“打开音乐之门”——克劳迪娅·杨钢琴独奏音乐会 [售票中]
场馆:北京市 |北京音乐厅

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2、购票须知:1、成年节目1.2米及以下儿童谢绝入场(Children under 1.2m will not be admitted, except in performances for children.)。2、亲子儿童节目儿童一律凭票入场。请您谨慎购票,一经出票不退不换,望您知晓!




演出时间:2025年2月28日 星期五 19:30



钢琴独奏:克劳迪娅·杨(Claudia Yang)








I) 快板



Piano Sonata No.12 in F Major, K.332.-W. A. Mozart

I ) Allegro

II ) Adagio

III) Allegro Assai



15 Variations and Fugue in E Flat Major “ Eroica “ , Op.35  - L.V. Beethoven







“ Wanderer Fantasie “, Op.15, D760 - F. Schubert

I)Allegro con fuoco ma non troppo








Deux Arabesques - C.Debussy



Islamey - Fantaisie orientale - M. Balakirev



Rhapsody In Blue - G. Gershwin







克劳迪娅. 杨



克劳迪娅被指挥大师马泽尔赞扬为“能用心灵演奏的钢琴家”,被全球最大的纽约华人报刊—《华声》誉为“1999年度全球华人新闻人物” 。2014年匈牙利总理欧尔班授予克劳迪娅匈牙利政府最高文化勋章,以此表彰她在李斯特音乐作品的诠释和演绎方面取得的杰出成就,2020年克劳迪娅与男高音歌唱家多明戈共同荣获“奥地利音乐剧院奖”。








2021年在中国文化和旅游部和河北省人民政府共同主办的第一届”一带一路·长城国际民间文化艺术节”期间,她担 任了阿塞拜疆轻歌剧“货郎与小姐”总导演和组建了“丝绸之路爱乐乐团”,并作为该乐团的艺术总监策划”多彩的永恒”大型交响音乐会,同时她作为钢琴独奏家与来自世界各国和中国的音乐家们共同演绎一带一路沿线国家的经典作品。中国国家主席为艺术节发来贺信。






Claudia Yang was born in Malaysia to a local ethnic Malaysian Chinese family of Fujian ancestry. She began her piano studies at five and at age of 16, she studied under great pianists including Dianko Iliew, Paul Badura-Skoda and Ludwig Hoffman at the University of Music & Performing Arts in Vienna, where she graduated as joint best pianist of 1997.


Claudia made her Chinese debut in Beijing Concert Hall in 1999 and was named “The Global Chinese of the Year” by China Voice magazine. Claudia, as a visiting Professor often went on to offer master classes at Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China Central Conservatory of Music, University of Music and Performing Arts in Slovakia, Xi’An Conservatory of Music, El Sistema Music Academy in Venezuela, Harbin Conservatory of Music.


Claudia has collaborated with many world leading orchestras, among them are London Symphony Orchestra, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra, Lithuania National Symphony Orchestra, Prague Symphony Orchestra, Moscow State Symphony Orchestra Cinematography, Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Irkutsk Philharmonic Orchestra, Simon Bolivar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela, Malaysian National Symphony Orchestra, Philippines Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra etc and appeared as soloist in many concert halls in Europe and Asia.


In 2010, Claudia made her tour to Europe and Asia celebrating Chopin’s 200th Birth Anniversary, and in 2011 celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Ferenc Liszt’s Birth. She was a jury member at the International Chopin Competition for Young Pianists in Moscow in 2011-2012 and also at the 11th International Tchaikovsky Competition for Young Musicians.


In 2013, Claudia became the first Asian pianist to be invited by Russian conductor Valerie Gergiev to perform at Vladikavkaz International Music Festival which was founded by him in Russia.


In 2014 Feb, Claudia was awarded “ Pro Cultura Hungarica “ by Hungarian Government for her contribution in spreading Hungarian Culture especially music by Franz Liszt. The award was presented by Hungarian Prime Minister Mr. Orban Victor during his official visit to China.


In 2014 May, Claudia and Gyula Fekete together have composed Piano Concerto “ Dream of The Red Chamber “ and was successfully world premiered in Beijing in 2014, followed by a series of successful debut concerts in China, Kazakhstan National Concert Hall, Budapest Spring Festival 2015, China Latin America Cultural Year, Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, Mariinsky Theatre, Rachmaninoff Concert Hall, Istana Budaya in Kuala Lumpur etc.


In 2018 May Claudia has completed her “ 12 Fantasies for Piano and Orchestra based on Chinese Folk Melodies “ together with the Russian composer Artem Vasilliev.


During Covid 19 pandemic, Claudia has successfully published 10 Episodes of her own branding “ Gather With Heart and Soul “ with her talks and performance on piano through online streaming featuring Beethoven’s Piano Solo Works, in conjunction with his 250th Birth Anniversary supported by the Embassy of Germany in Beijing and Bundesstadt Bonn.


In 2020, Claudia was awarded the International Culture Engagement Special Award of the “Austrian Music Theatre Awards 2020 “ in recognition of her contribution to international cultural exchanges, while Placido Domingo was awarded for his lifetime work.


During the 2021 Belt and Road-Great Wall International Folk Arts Festival hosted by Ministry of Culture and Tourism China and Hebei Provincial Government, Claudia has successfully directed the concert version of famous Azerbaijan Operetta “ The Cloth Peddler “ and has also established the Silk Road Philharmonic Orchestra formed by Chinese and foreign musicians who based in China. President Xi Jin Ping wrote a letter with words of congratulatory to the festival.


In 2020 Oct, she established her “ Claudia Yang’s Piano Art Studio “ in order to build a platform for international culture exchange program and to inherit the tradition of piano art to the young generation.


In 2023 July, Claudia and China National Symphony Orchestra have successfully world premiered Piano Concerto “ The Legend of Maritime Silk Road “ in China, followed by a successful concert at the Opening Ceremony of 2023 China-ASEAN Week in Fuzhou.  This piano concerto was initiated by Claudia and commissioned by Silk Road International Arts Center,  composed by British composer John Lenehan based on the famous folk songs from China and ASEAN countries.


Since 2021, Claudia is appointed as Artistic Director of Silk Road International Arts Centre.

 In 2024 during the Celebration of 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between China and Malaysia, Claudia was invited to perform for Chinese Prime Minister H.E.Mr Li Qiang and Malaysian Prime Minister H.E. Dato’ Sri Anwar bin Ibrahim in Kuala Lumpur.


On 18th Dec 2024, to remember the great renown conductor Yuri Temirkanov, Claudia was invited to perform in St Petersburg Philharmonic Hall collaborating with Mariinsky Orchestra under the baton of Maestro Valery Gergiev.

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