演出名称: 20座格莱美奖得主——吉他大师 Pat Metheny 派特·麦席尼·北京首演音乐会
演出时间:2025年5月16日 周五 19:30
演出票价:280 380 580 880 1080 元
2025 年5月16日 周五 19:30
20座格莱美奖得主 ——
吉他大师 Pat Metheny 派特·麦席尼北京首演音乐会
演出票价:280 380 580 880 1080 元
7.30pm, Friday, May 16, 2025
Forbidden City Concert Hall, Beijing
Guitar Maestro Pat Metheny- 2025 Beijing Premiere Concert
Pat Metheny, Guitar
Medley - Metheny
The Sun In Montreal - Metheny
Omaha Celebration - Metheny
Antonia - Metheny
Waltz For Ruth - Haden
Our Spanish Love Song - Haden
Cinema Paradiso - Morricone
First Song - Haden
Song For The Boys - Metheny
Into The Dream - Metheny
Last Train Home - Metheny
La Crosse - Metheny
MoonDial - Metheny
Orchestrion - Metheny
Sueno con Mexico - Metheny
Make Peace - Metheny
Price:280 380 580 880 1080 yuan
Packages for 2 people:1000(580*2) 1500 (880*2) 1780 (1080*2) yuan
Pat Metheny, Guitar
派特·麦席尼(Pat Metheny),1954年8⽉12⽇出⽣在堪萨斯城的⼀个⾳乐家庭,8岁学吹小号,12岁时转学吉他。他15岁时即已定期同堪萨斯城一流的爵⼠乐人合作,如此年轻便已收获了宝贵的现场演奏经验。1974 年麦席尼开始在国际爵⼠乐坛崭露头⻆。在与颤⾳琴⼤师加⾥·伯顿(Gary Burton)合作的三年间,这位密苏⾥年轻⼈独特的演奏风格便已呼之欲出。他将高度敏锐的节奏与和声感觉融入到通常属于圆号的那种松弛灵活的发音方式,演奏与即兴有着现代理念,其根源却深植于爵⼠乐的旋律传统、摇摆乐以及布鲁斯之中。
1975年发行的⾸张专辑《明亮生活》(Bright Size Life)为新⼀代演奏者锻造出传统“爵⼠吉他”音色的新声。在其整个演奏生涯中,麦席尼一直在利⽤新技术去不断发掘吉它这种乐器在即兴与声学方面的潜力,从⽽不断推动着这⼀乐种的义界。他在乐器演奏方面的多才多艺⼏乎⽆⼈能及,多年来与很多不同领域的艺术家合作,其中包括当代作曲家史蒂夫·莱希(Steve Reich)、爵士音乐家奥内特·科尔曼(Ornette Coleman)、赫⽐·汉考克(Herbie Hancock)、吉姆·霍尔(Jim Hall)、⽶尔顿·纳⻄曼托(Milton Nascimento)及摇滚歌手⼤卫·鲍伊(David Bowie)等。麦席尼曾为独奏吉他、⼩型乐队、电声及原声乐器、⼤型管弦乐团甚至芭蕾舞等创作作品,跨越现代爵士、摇滚及古典等不同曲风。甚⾄还有他“Orchestrion”项⽬中的机器⼈乐器作品,他总是巧妙地避开任何⼀种⾳乐流派的局限性。
除了音乐演奏方面的杰出成就外,麦席尼在音乐教育方面也颇有建树,18岁时即成为迈阿密⼤学有史以来最年轻的教师,19岁时又成为伯克利⾳乐学院史上的最年轻教师,并在二十多年后的1996年获该校颁发的荣誉博⼠学位。他还在全球各地举办⾳乐工作坊,包括荷兰皇家⾳乐学院、蒙克爵⼠学院以及亚洲与南美洲各地的⼤师班。在电⼦⾳乐领域,麦席尼也是⼀位真正的先驱人物,是最早将合成器作为严肃乐器来使⽤的爵⼠乐人之⼀。早在MIDI技术发明之前数年,麦席尼即使用合成键盘(Synclavier) 作为作曲⼯具。此外,他还协助开发了几种新型吉他,包括⾼⾳⽊吉他、42弦Pikasso吉他、伊巴内兹PM-100爵⼠吉他及数种不同的定制吉他。借助于螺线管驱动的机械自奏乐器Orchestrion,麦席尼将整个乐器开发过程提升到了一个新高度。
多年来,麦席尼赢得的“最佳爵⼠吉他⼿”称号及奖项多到难以计数,包括三张⾦唱⽚:《静物之言》(Still Life Talking)、《家信》(Letter from Home)和《秘密故事》(Secret Story)。所获20项格莱美奖包括了“最佳摇滚乐器演奏”、“最佳当代爵⼠录⾳”、“最佳爵⼠乐器独奏”和“最佳器乐作曲”等十二个不同类别。他领衔的乐团曾以连续七张专辑而连续七次获得格莱美奖,可谓史无前例。麦席尼⼀⽣中⼤部分时间都在巡演。⾃1974年以来,他每年约有120至240场演出。迄今,麦席尼仍是爵⼠乐界最耀眼的明星之⼀,在完成自己计划的同时,也同样投身于乐坛新秀及资深⽼将的项目中,协助他们触达更多的观众,实现⾃⼰的艺术愿景。
PAT METHENY was born in Kansas City on August 12, 1954 into a musical family. Starting on trumpet at the age of 8, Metheny switched to guitar at age 12. By the age of 15, he was working regularly with the best jazz musicians in Kansas City, receiving valuable on-the-bandstand experience at an unusually young age. Metheny first burst onto the international jazz scene in 1974. Over the course of his three-year stint with vibraphone great Gary Burton, the young Missouri native already displayed his soon-to-become trademarked playing style, which blended the loose and flexible articulation customarily reserved for horn players with an advanced rhythmic and harmonic sensibility - a way of playing and improvising that was modern in conception but grounded deeply in the jazz tradition of melody, swing, and the blues. With the release of his first album, Bright Size Life (1975), he reinvented the traditional "jazz guitar" sound for a new generation of players. Throughout his career, Pat Metheny has continued to re-define the genre by utilizing new technology and constantly working to evolve the improvisational and sonic potential of his instrument. METHENY'S versatility is almost nearly without peer on any instrument. Over the years, he has performed with artists as diverse as Steve Reich to Ornette Coleman to Herbie Hancock to Jim Hall to Milton Nascimento to David Bowie. Metheny's body of work includes compositions for solo guitar, small ensembles, electric and acoustic instruments, large orchestras, and ballet pieces, with settings ranging from modern jazz to rock to classical.
As well as being an accomplished musician, Metheny has also participated in the academic arena as a music educator. At 18, he was the youngest teacher ever at the University of Miami. At 19, he became the youngest teacher ever at the Berklee College of Music, where he also received an honorary doctorate more than twenty years later (1996). He has also taught music workshops all over the world, from the Dutch Royal Conservatory to the Thelonius Monk Institute of Jazz to clinics in Asia and South America. He has also been a true musical pioneer in the realm of electronic music, and was one of the very first jazz musicians to treat the synthesizer as a serious musical instrument. Years before the invention of MIDI technology, Metheny was using the Synclavier as a composing tool. He has also been instrumental in the development of several new kinds of guitars such as the soprano acoustic guitar, the 42-string Pikasso guitar, Ibanez's PM-100 jazz guitar, and a variety of other custom instruments. He took the whole instrument development process into a different level with his mechanical, solenoid driven Orchestrion.
It is one thing to attain popularity as a musician, but it is another to receive the kind of acclaim Metheny has garnered from critics and peers. Over the years, Metheny has won countless polls as "Best Jazz Guitarist" and awards, including three gold records for Still Life (Talking), Letter from Home, and Secret Story. He has also won 20 Grammy Awards in 12 different categories including Best Rock Instrumental, Best Contemporary Jazz Recording, Best Jazz Instrumental Solo, Best Instrumental Composition. The Pat Metheny Group won an unprecedented seven consecutive Grammies for seven consecutive albums. Metheny has spent most of his life on tour, averaging between 120-240 shows a year since 1974. At the time of this writing, he continues to be one of the brightest stars of the jazz community, dedicating time to both his own projects and those of emerging artists and established veterans alike, helping them to reach their audience as well as realizing their own artistic visions.